ESN implements the field of social inclusion by widening the participation and social engagement. ESN believes in a more diverse Erasmus+ programme, which is why our members work hard to raise awareness about mobility opportunities for students from underrepresented groups. One of examples of this is Mapped!, aimed at promoting accessible Higher Education possibilities for students with disabilities. ESN believes in implementing volunteer experiences as a natural part of the mobility experience and aims to contribute to social integration of students through volunteering activities under the SocialErasmus project. In this regard, local sections organise activities such as animal shelter visits, workshops in preschools or retirement homes, helping with the meal preparation for the homeless or donating blood. By organising these activities, our members enable exchange students to contribute to the local community, therefore feel integrated in its daily functioning. Fostering social engagement creates inclusive societies.
All in all, ESN can offer a little bit of everything to everyone. Sounds cool? You can always find a local section near you and join us in our work or you can support us in our efforts by making a donation to our organisation.
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